Contact Us | Vital Energy | Sebastopol, CA
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Get A $500 Referral Bonus*

If you know anyone who is considering solar, backup batteries, or a generator, please let them know about us. You will receive a $500 referral bonus as a way of thanks, for every project installed. We also offer discounted pricing and priority service to customer referrals. We rely almost exclusively on customer referrals and recommendations, so your support matters. 


As a Vital customer, you now have access to our Vital Energy Customer Portal app where you can view your monitoring system and documents, send us a message, write a review, and receive important system alerts and notifications. You can also add and track your referrals and get paid directly through the app! 

You can access our app via your mobile device or pc. Once signed in, you will find a helpful section on how the app works that includes videos on how to add and track referrals, reward options (including direct bank transfer, gift card, or virtual debit card), and how to set up and transfer funds to your bank account. Once your account is active, please just let us know if you would like us to upload any of your project docs.


Computer: Click here to sign in on your computer and get started.
Mobile Device: You can also download our app onto your cell phone at Apple Store or Google Play Store. 


1. Search for Vital Energy Solutions to download the app.
2. Select, Create a New Account.


Apple Store:

Google Play Store:

google play-logo.png

*to receive the full bonus of $500 the system size must be 4kW and above for solar

Securely share your utility usage data directly
from your utility company here.

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